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Item List

Prevention of Cyber Threats & Emerging Disruptive Technologies

Establish clear connections, between the use of ICT by the youth and its underlying risks, by working on confidence-building measures (CBMs) to fend off threats to cyber space and emerging disruptive technologies (EDT).

Ensuring Good & Inclusive Governance

Foster youth engagement in political processes to enhance the scope of Accountability and Trust Measures (ATMs) underpinning Human Rights, the Rule of Law and Democracy to avert Unconstitutional Changes of Governments (UCGs) and political fragmentation.

Combating Transnational Organized Crime

Support through intelligence-driven and accurate research the creation of a youth action plan against transnational threats (Arms/Drugs Trafficking and Illicit Activities) ensuring the freedom of movement for persons, goods, services and commerce.

Conflict Prevention & Resolution

Promote peacebuilding and post-conflict rehabilitation for youth populations in fragile countries ravaged by armed conflict or terrorism, by developing multifaceted policies and advocating for proactive foreign policies.

Monitoring Technological Developments in Defense

Conduct cause-driven research on politico-military developments pertaining to the domain of Defense (Modernization of Conventional and Nuclear Technologies) and Military Planning.

Disaster Preparedness

Supporting disaster preparedness, prevention, response and recovery at community level as well as at national and international levels.

Affordable, Reliable, Sustainable Energy

Promoting renewable energy and addressing the challenges of the energy transition, strengthening network resilience, energy efficiency and green growth.

Promote Sustainable Economic Growth

Supporting sustainable economic growth and fostering international economic co-operation on a variety of issues to counter economic and social disparities, challenges to the  rule of law, weak governance, corruption, widespread poverty and high unemployment.

Action Against Climate Change

Creating awareness on security implications of climate change and supporting the development and implementation of transboundary climate change adaptation strategies.

Sustainable Use of All Resources

Facilitating sustainable management of natural resources with a particular focus on water.

Rule of Law

Developing justice systems that guarantee respect for fundamental rights and youth freedoms in a fair and independent manner.

Access to Resources

Ensure that all youth have equal access to resources including financial and economic resources, basic services, natural resources and land rights, and access to new technology. 

Ensure Healthy Lives

Reduce premature mortality from chronic and communicable diseases through prevention and treatment, and promote mental health and well-being.

Inclusive & Equitable Quality Education

Ensure that youth complete free, equitable and high quality education and increase the number of youth who have relevant skills for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.

Tolerance & Non-Discrimination

Promote tolerance and non-discrimination policies and frameworks that ensure youth (especially minority groups) are protected from harm, prejudice and violence.

Uplifted Youth

Sustainable Youth Goals

As part of its 2030 Vision, CYIS is committed to shaping an equitable environment to foster critical and creative thinking for all youth. The Sustainable Youth Goals (SYGs) enable the Centre to create a more suitable world for the next generation of decision-makers to express their voice on youth vulnerability in all aspects of society.

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