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CYIS HQ Zurich

Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich, Switzerland


T: +32 494 28 04 47

Directions to CYIS HQ Zurich

Nearest Public Transport

Tram: Nearest tram station is "ETH/Universitätsspital" on Tram Lines 5, 6, 9, and 10. It's a short walk from there to the office.
From Zurich Airport

By Train or S-Bahn: The journey from Zurich Airport to Zurich Main Station takes about 10-15 minutes. From the main station, you can catch a tram directly to "ETH/Universitätsspital". The entire trip is free with the Zürich Card, which offers unlimited public transportation within the city. Otherwise, a single trip ticket costs CHF 6.80 for adults and CHF 3.40 for children. A day pass is CHF 13.60 for adults and CHF 6.80 for children​​.
By Tram: Tram Line 10 directly connects Zurich Airport with the city center, including a stop near "ETH/Universitätsspital". The journey takes about 35 minutes and offers a scenic route through the city​​.
By Taxi: A taxi from Zurich Airport to Rämistrasse will take about 10-20 minutes, depending on traffic, and cost between CHF 45 and CHF 70​​.
Car Parking

Nearby Parking: Public parking options are available around the university area, but they might be limited. It's advisable to use public transportation due to the office's central location and Zurich's efficient public transport system.

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